Hyaluron für Brustvergrößerung geeignet?

Is hyaluronic acid suitable for breast augmentation?

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Many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts and would like them to be fuller and firmer. However, the fact that many women associate breast augmentation with surgery means that in many cases the desire for fuller, larger breasts is postponed. Aesthetic injections in the breasts are a good alternative for those who are opposed to silicone implants due to the associated consequences.

Since more and more women want more beautiful or voluminous breasts, but do not want to undergo surgery, numerous clinics now offer treatment with hyaluronic acid. This is a breast augmentation without surgery. This also means that neither an implant is inserted nor anesthesia is necessary.

What is hyaluron?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the body. The largest proportion of it can be found in the connective tissue, followed by the joints and eyes. Hyaluron has the property of binding water, which means that it acts as a lubricant and also maintains the elasticity of the skin.

Since the body's own production of hyaluronic acid decreases over the years, this can also be seen visually. Especially wrinkles are no longer uncommon. Hyaluronic acid has become an integral part of plastic surgery and is no longer used only for wrinkle injections, but also to restore the volume of the lips or breasts.

Breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a very popular volume filler. It is used primarily to remove wrinkles or to inject them, as well as to correct small physical irregularities. So why not use it for breast augmentation? This is a legitimate question that is regularly asked by patients.

How does hyaluronic acid breast augmentation work?

This type of breast augmentation does not involve the introduction of any foreign bodies into the breast. It is therefore a minimally invasive procedure, but one that is nonetheless considered effective. In this procedure, the desired amount of hyaluronic acid gel is injected directly under the skin using a fine cannula. It is always injected over the chest muscle. With this method, it is possible to gradually enlarge the breast by one cup size. In addition, this treatment can also be repeated to maintain the volume later.

Good to know: The injected hyaluronic acid is also broken down by the body. Experts assume that complete breakdown takes about three years. In view of this, breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is never permanent.

The procedure

Before it starts, the breast is completely disinfected. You also do not need to be afraid of the pain caused by the treatment. The breast is anesthetized locally, so you will not feel the injections. The hyaluronic acid is now injected into the breast tissue via an access. This happens in a so-called three-dimensional way.

The procedure itself takes about 30 minutes per breast, although the treatment time is of course always very individual. After the treatment, you are fully able to work and socialize again so you do not need a sick leave.

After treatment

In contrast to an operation, you can go home immediately after treatment with hyaluronic acid and do not need to be admitted as an inpatient. Furthermore, although slight pain and feelings of tension may occur, there is no need to fear severe pain. Furthermore, slight hematomas may form in the injection area. These occur mainly around the access. However, they fade in a few days, with a maximum of ten days is to be expected here. It is important that you wear a band-aid at the injection site for ten days.

The result of breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid

The result of breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is very natural and discreet. This is because, as a rule, no more than 40 ml of hyaluronic acid gel is injected on each side per session. Therefore, large breast augmentations are not possible with hyaluronic acid. The increase in volume is therefore carried out very slowly, so that more and more sessions are necessary to ultimately enlarge the breast by one cup size.

For whom is breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid suitable?

Women whose breasts have lost volume due to pregnancy or breastfeeding can enlarge and tighten their breasts with this procedure. Furthermore, breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is an optimal alternative to injecting your own fat. This is particularly true for women who have few fat deposits and are therefore not candidates for liposuction.

Advantages of this treatment

The biggest advantage is the fact that this type of breast augmentation does not require surgery and the associated risks are eliminated. Since it is a body's own substance, it is also accepted, so that no allergic reactions can occur. In addition, you will not stand out either socially or at work, since you can go home immediately after the procedure.

Side effects and disadvantages

In contrast to many other methods of breast augmentation, this is a very expensive treatment. This is because the treatment must be repeated at regular intervals. However, the risks themselves are very low. At most, cysts or slight hardening may occur, although this is very rare.

Conclusion – a real alternative

Breast augmentation with hyaluronic acid is particularly suitable for women who want to restore volume to their sagging breasts or increase their cup size. So if you have been thinking about it for a while, you should definitely consult the doctor in charge.