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md:complex melanoceuticals

€ 149.95 incl.VAT, plus shipping Net price: € 126.01
Content: € 149.95 / 35ml
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Artikel: melanoceuticals 

Hersteller: md:ceuticals

Packungsinhalt: 5 vials á 7 ml / 0.24 fl. oz.

Wirkstoffe: Tranexamsäure, Glutathion, Kaliumsalz des Azelainsäure-Chelats, Kojicsäure, Arbutin, Glycolsäure, Ascorbinsäure, Zitronensäure

Indikation: Hyperpigmentierung, Lichtbedingte Alterung der Haut

Article: melanoceuticals 

Manufacturer: md:ceuticals

Package content: 5 vials á 7 ml / 0.24 fl. oz.

Active ingredients: Tranexamic acid, glutathione, potassium salt of azelaic acid chelate, kojic acid, arbutin, glycolic acid, ascorbic acid, citric acid

Indication: Hyperpigmentation, light-induced aging of the skin 

Artículo: melanoceuticals 

Fabricante: md:ceuticals

Contenido del paquete: 5 vials á 7 ml / 0.24 fl. oz.

Principios activos: Ácido tranexámico, glutatión, sal potásica de quelato de ácido azelaico, ácido kójico, arbutina, ácido glicólico, ácido ascórbico, ácido cítrico

Indicación: Hiperpigmentación, envejecimiento cutáneo inducido por la luz 

Article: melanoceuticals 

Fabricant: md:ceuticals

Contenu de l'emballage: 5 vials á 7 ml / 0.24 fl. oz.

Principes actifs: Acide tranexamique, glutathion, sel de potassium du chélate d'acide azélaïque, acide kojique, arbutine, acide glycolique, acide ascorbique, acide citrique 

Indication: Hyperpigmentation, photovieillissement de la peau 

Articolo: Melanoceuticals

Produttore: md:ceuticals

Contenuto dell'imballaggio: 5 fiale da 7 ml / 0,24 fl. oz. ciascuna

Principi attivi: Acido tranexamico, glutatione, sale di potassio del chelato di acido azelaico, acido kojico, arbutina, acido glicolico, acido ascorbico, acido citrico

Indicazioni: Iperpigmentazione, foto-invecchiamento della pelle

md:complex melanoceuticals Im Warenkorb


Das passt dazu

md:complex melanoceuticals | Whitening, antioxidant & brightening solution

Melanogenesis is a complex biochemical process based on a variety of exogenous and endogenous factors, leading to localized overproduction of melanin and the formation of unsightly spots.

Melasma is a hyperpigmentation disorder that occurs primarily in women. Melasma appears as symmetrically distributed hyperpigmented areas or brown or gray patches on parts of the face. The main cause of melasma is exposure to ultraviolet light. Other factors include hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, pregnancy, pituitary gland dysfunction, use of photosensitizing drugs, use of certain cosmetic products, and vitamin D deficiency.

md:complex melanoceuticals contains high concentrations of lightening, exfoliating and antioxidant active ingredients that block the formation of pigments at various stages of the melanogenesis process while maintaining an even skin tone.


  • Whitening active ingredients: Activate the inhibition of the melanogenesis process in the different stages and block the tyrosinase activity, stop the formation of dopachinone, block the production of eumelanin by inhibiting the dopatautomerase activity, suppress the transmission of melanosomes, while eliminating skin impurities
  • Exfoliating agents: accelerate the renewal of the epidermis and improve the main penetration of active ingredients, cause the lightening of skin color, reduce skin irregularities and cause a soft skin feeling
  • Antioxidants and brightening agents: cause an increase in the luminosity of the skin, increase elasticity, promote an even skin tone. Prevent skin aging caused by sun and light, cause faster recovery and renewal of tissues
Eine Abgabe von Medizinprodukten, die nicht zur Anwendung durch Laien vorgesehen sind, darf nur an Ärzt*innen, Heilpraktiker*innen sowie Kosmetiker*innen mit Heilpraktikerausbildung erfolgen, es sei denn, eine ärztliche oder zahnärztliche Verschreibung wird vorgelegt (§ 3 Nummer 17 des Medizinproduktegesetzes). Medical devices that are not intended for use by laypersons may only be dispensed to physicians, non-medical practitioners and cosmeticians with non-medical practitioner training, unless a medical or dental prescription is presented (§ 3 number 17 of the Medical Devices Act). Como vendedor, nos gustaría señalar que la inyección de productos con y sin Lidocaína sólo debe ser llevada a cabo por personal capacitado y médicamente calificado, esto incluye el comercio de curación y el servicio de salud. En tant que vendeur, nous tenons à souligner que l'injection de produits avec et sans lidocaïne ne doit être effectuée que par du personnel formé et médicalement qualifié, y compris les secteurs médical et de la santé.
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