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Celluphase® 20 x 2ml

€ 119.95 incl.VAT, plus shipping Net price: € 100.80
Content: € 119.95 / 50ml
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Brief description:

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Artikel: Celluphase®

Hersteller: Mesotech  

Inhaltsstoffe: Koffein, Kumarin, Hamamelis, L-Carnitin, Mannitol, Rutin, Silizium, Taurin

Packungsinhalt: 20 Ampullen Basislösung von 2 ml + 2 Fläschchen Aktivator von 5 ml

Indikation: Dermatologische Behandlung zur Reduzierung lokaler Fettablagerungen an Doppelkinn und Wangen

Article: Celluphase®

Manufacturer: Mesotech 

Ingredients: Caffeine, coumarin, witch hazel, L-carnitine, mannitol, rutin, silicon, taurine

Package contents: 20 ampoules of base solution of 2 ml + 2 vials of activator of 5 ml

Indication: Dermatological treatment to reduce localized fat deposits on the double chin and cheeks

Artículo: Celluphase®

Fabricante: Mesotech  

Ingredientes: Cafeína, cumarina, hamamelis, L-carnitina, manitol, rutina, silicio, taurina

Contenido del envase: 20 ampollas de 2 ml de solución base + 2 ampollas de 5 ml de activador

Indicación: Tratamiento dermatológico para reducir los depósitos de grasa localizados en la papada y las mejillas

Article: Celluphase®

Fabricant: Mesotech  

Ingrédients: Caféine, coumarine, hamamélis, L-carnitine, mannitol, rutine, silicium, taurine

Contenu de l'emballage: 20 ampoules de solution de base de 2 ml + 2 flacons d'activateur de 5 ml

Indication: Traitement dermatologique visant à réduire les dépôts de graisse localisés au niveau du double menton et des joues.

Articolo: Celluphase®

Produttore: Mesotech  

Ingredienti: Caffeina, cumarina, amamelide, L-carnitina, mannitolo, rutina, silicio, taurina

Contenuto della confezione: 20 fiale di soluzione base da 2 ml + 2 fiale di attivatore da 5 ml

Indicazione: Trattamento dermatologico per ridurre gli accumuli di grasso localizzato sul doppio mento e sulle guance

Celluphase® 20 x 2ml Im Warenkorb


Das passt dazu

Celluphase® + Activator | F for firmer and smoother skin

Celluphase® is an innovative Meso-Cocktail specifically designed to target local adiposity and the "orange peel" issue in the face. The unique formula is based on a deep understanding of the various factors contributing to fat accumulation in the face—ranging from endocrine and genetic to dietary and mechanical influences.

With Celluphase®, you experience a highly effective treatment in just a few steps: initially, two vials of the base solution with 1 ml of Celluphase® Activator per session, once a week for 4 to 6 weeks. This is followed by bi-weekly sessions and then monthly applications. The Meso-Cocktails should be diluted with pharmaceutical water to prevent body habituation, as the active ingredients are present in very high concentrations.

These features make Celluphase® unique

  • Contains five clinically tested active ingredients in higher concentrations—compared to just one in conventional treatments.
  • Shapes and tightens facial contours.
  • Promotes the natural breakdown of subcutaneous fat.
  • Smooths the skin surface and improves elasticity.
  • Reduces the "orange peel" effect by promoting microcirculation.
  • Measurable tightening effects: 9.5% fewer indentations and 27.5% less skin sagging. Reduces double chin by up to 80%.

Discover Celluphase® and give your skin a brighter, smoother appearance—for a firm and youthful face!

Mesotech ®


Mesotech® is a renowned Italian laboratory with over 20 years of experience in research, development, production, and distribution of medical products, sterile injectables, as well as cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. These products are used worldwide by numerous companies in the health, beauty, and pharmaceutical sectors.

With more than 30 registered trademarks, Mesotech® has established an international network encompassing over 10,000 business customers and 2 million end-users in more than 40 countries.

Eine Abgabe von Medizinprodukten, die nicht zur Anwendung durch Laien vorgesehen sind, darf nur an Ärzt*innen, Heilpraktiker*innen sowie Kosmetiker*innen mit Heilpraktikerausbildung erfolgen, es sei denn, eine ärztliche oder zahnärztliche Verschreibung wird vorgelegt (§ 3 Nummer 17 des Medizinproduktegesetzes). Medical devices that are not intended for use by laypersons may only be dispensed to physicians, non-medical practitioners and cosmeticians with non-medical practitioner training, unless a medical or dental prescription is presented (§ 3 number 17 of the Medical Devices Act). Como vendedor, nos gustaría señalar que la inyección de productos con y sin Lidocaína sólo debe ser llevada a cabo por personal capacitado y médicamente calificado, esto incluye el comercio de curación y el servicio de salud. En tant que vendeur, nous tenons à souligner que l'injection de produits avec et sans lidocaïne ne doit être effectuée que par du personnel formé et médicalement qualifié, y compris les secteurs médical et de la santé.
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